[worldKit-dev] worldkit-dev Digest, Vol 22, Issue 8

Mikel Maron mikel_maron at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 20 03:46:07 PDT 2007

Hi Guilherme

I see the problem and think I might know where the issue is. Give me a day or two to look into it.


----- Original Message ----
From: Guilherme Pedrosa <guilherme_pl at yahoo.com.br>
To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 3:07:08 PM
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] worldkit-dev Digest, Vol 22, Issue 8

Hi Mikel,

Sorry about the url, the correct is really http://www.mapilot.com/sites/mapa.php?lang=en . 

But the map is not working , because, when we zoomin for the third and fifth time, the map loads the tiles but the image looks like it has bad resolution. If you compare the third and the forth zoom you be able to see the problem. 

I dont know if it is the image, or worldkit, or zoomify. Worldkit is working fine for me, this is the only thing i cant understand. 


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Today's Topics:

   1. Problem zoomin (Guilherme Pedrosa)
   2. Re: AS3 / Flex Version? (Ian Mayo)
   3. Re: AS3 / Flex Version? (Mikel Maron)
   4. Re: Problem zoomin (Mikel Maron)
   5. Re: AS3 / Flex Version? (Jon Blower)
   6. Re: AS3 / Flex Version? (Ian Mayo)
   7. Re: AS3 / Flex Version? (Mikel Maron)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 00:16:55 -0300 (ART)
From: Guilherme Pedrosa 
Subject: [worldKit-dev] Problem zoomin
To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
Message-ID: <610421.28281.qm at web60215.mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi ,

I have a project, with worldkit, http://www.mapilot.com/rio/mapa.php, its a brazilian website about tourism. I passed few months without writing to the list, but i think you already have this link. 

My problem goes in the third and fifth time you press the Zoomin bottom. The image's tiles loads but the images keep strange, like it didnt change to the correct zoom, and finally it appears with bad resolution. 

i have made the tileset with Zoomify application. Do you have any idea what is happening?

thank you very much

Guilherme Pedrosa
(21) 8103-4966 | 24274319
guilherme.pedrosa at superig.com.br
       Flickr agora em portugu?s. Voc? clica, todo mundo v?. Saiba mais.
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:49:23 +0100
From: "Ian Mayo" 
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?
To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi all

a few weeks ago Bill Thorp polled for interest in porting worldKit to
Flex/ActionScript 3.0 (copied below).  "Updating" the software in this
way matches my aspirations for furture use of worldKit.

Bill: did you have any positive feedback off-list?
All (esp Mikel):  I'm interested in any opinions regarding the pros
and cons of this upgrade.

- Do members of the community look forward to adoption of Flex?
- Are there any features/3rd party libs that couldn't be ported?  (zoomify?)
- Would in ease/complicate worldKit


> Hello!
> I was curious if anyone has tried to or successfully ported WorldKit to Flex
> or ActionScript 3.  If not, I was interested if anyone would like to help port it
> to Flash 9 / AS3 with me.
> - Bill Thorp


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 02:25:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mikel Maron 
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?
To: Discussion of worldKit use and development
Message-ID: <738468.6788.qm at web30806.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


I have two concerns. First, the penetration of FP 9 (required to run AS 3.0) is slightly lower (10-15%) than FP 8. I suppose this isn't such a big deal, since upgrading is so easy .. but I'd want the worldKit download to be packaged with SWFObject
 (http://osflash.org/flashobject) so that requiring FP 9 is easier/cleaner.

More of a concern is the lack of an AS 3.0 open source compiler. It's been a long time intention to remove any dependencies on the commercial Flash IDE, and provide tools to do a pure OS compile of Flash -- not out of idealism, but simply to make development of worldKit more accessible/free and because the open source tools are more developer oriented. More "developer oriented" also means harder to get started, and I haven't yet worked out that entire pathway (you can see the progress so far in trac). MTASC, the top OS flash compiler, will not do AS 3.

On the plus side, AS3 and FP9 have significantly better performance, some neat new features, a stronger language and do give access to all the Flex developers. I honestly haven't been watching too closely the development of Flex, so can't say have much of a benefit to worldKit that could be -- would be nice to know if there's demand and
 what specific benefits Ian and Bill see from Flex. There's no dependence on anything 3rd party (zoomify dependency was removed).

We should also consider that there's a large number of bugs and features, and how should AS 3 balance against those?

I see our options as sticking with AS 2.0, going completely to 3.0, or third option (maybe more painful?) to maintain two branches of worldKit for 2.0 and 3.0. 


----- Original Message ----
From: Ian Mayo 
To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 9:49:23 AM
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?

Hi all

a few weeks ago Bill Thorp polled for interest in porting worldKit to
Flex/ActionScript 3.0 (copied below).  "Updating" the software in this
way matches my aspirations for furture use of worldKit.

Bill: did you have any positive feedback off-list?
All (esp Mikel):  I'm interested in any opinions
 regarding the pros
and cons of this upgrade.

- Do members of the community look forward to adoption of Flex?
- Are there any features/3rd party libs that couldn't be ported?  (zoomify?)
- Would in ease/complicate worldKit maintenance/adoption?


> Hello!
> I was curious if anyone has tried to or successfully ported WorldKit to Flex
> or ActionScript 3.  If not, I was interested if anyone would like to help port it
> to Flash 9 / AS3 with me.
> - Bill Thorp
worldkit-dev mailing list
worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 02:36:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mikel Maron 
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] Problem zoomin
To: Discussion of worldKit use and development

Message-ID: <832225.77174.qm at web30805.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Guilherme

Sorry can't see the problem.

I 'm getting a 404 for that url.

And the map at http://www.mapilot.com/sites/mapa.php?lang=en is working fine for me. For you?


----- Original Message ----
From: Guilherme Pedrosa 
To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 4:16:55 AM
Subject: [worldKit-dev] Problem zoomin

Hi ,

I have a project, with worldkit, http://www.mapilot.com/rio/mapa.php, its a brazilian website about tourism. I passed few months without writing to the list, but i think you already have this link. 

My problem goes in the third and fifth time you press the Zoomin bottom. The image's tiles loads but the images keep strange, like it didnt change to the correct zoom, and finally it
 appears with bad resolution. 

i have made the tileset with Zoomify application. Do you have any idea what is happening?

thank you very much

Guilherme Pedrosa
(21) 8103-4966 | 24274319
guilherme.pedrosa at superig.com.br 

      Flickr agora em portugu?s. Voc? clica, todo mundo v?. Saiba mais.

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Message: 5
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:05:41 +0100
From: "Jon Blower" 
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?
To: "Discussion of worldKit use and development"
 <2bb6ee950708170305s6d8c5818w9da787f7a1b3a568 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Just a
 comment, but have you considered OpenLaszlo
(http://www.openlaszlo.org/)?  I'm not an expert but I've played with
it a little and it seems pretty good.  It's similar to Flex but open
source.  The same source code can be compiled to multiple runtimes
including Flash7,8,9 and DHTML.

Cheers, Jon

On 8/17/07, Mikel Maron  wrote:
> Hi
> I have two concerns. First, the penetration of FP 9 (required to run AS 3.0) is slightly lower (10-15%) than FP 8. I suppose this isn't such a big deal, since upgrading is so easy .. but I'd want the worldKit download to be packaged with SWFObject (http://osflash.org/flashobject) so that requiring FP 9 is easier/cleaner.
> More of a concern is the lack of an AS 3.0 open source compiler. It's been a long time intention to remove any dependencies on the commercial Flash IDE, and provide tools to do a pure OS compile of Flash -- not out of idealism, but simply to make
 development of worldKit more accessible/free and because the open source tools are more developer oriented. More "developer oriented" also means harder to get started, and I haven't yet worked out that entire pathway (you can see the progress so far in trac). MTASC, the top OS flash compiler, will not do AS 3.
> On the plus side, AS3 and FP9 have significantly better performance, some neat new features, a stronger language and do give access to all the Flex developers. I honestly haven't been watching too closely the development of Flex, so can't say have much of a benefit to worldKit that could be -- would be nice to know if there's demand and what specific benefits Ian and Bill see from Flex. There's no dependence on anything 3rd party (zoomify dependency was removed).
> We should also consider that there's a large number of bugs and features, and how should AS 3 balance against those?
> I see our options as sticking with AS 2.0,
 going completely to 3.0, or third option (maybe more painful?) to maintain two branches of worldKit for 2.0 and 3.0.
> Mikel
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Ian Mayo 
> To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 9:49:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?
> Hi all
> a few weeks ago Bill Thorp polled for interest in porting worldKit to
> Flex/ActionScript 3.0 (copied below).  "Updating" the software in this
> way matches my aspirations for furture use of worldKit.
> Bill: did you have any positive feedback off-list?
> All (esp Mikel):  I'm interested in any opinions regarding the pros
> and cons of this upgrade.
> - Do members of the community look forward to adoption of Flex?
> - Are there any features/3rd party libs that couldn't be ported?  (zoomify?)
> -
 Would in ease/complicate worldKit maintenance/adoption?
> cheers,
> Ian.
> > Hello!
> > I was curious if anyone has tried to or successfully ported WorldKit to Flex
> > or ActionScript 3.  If not, I was interested if anyone would like to help port it
> > to Flash 9 / AS3 with me.
> > - Bill Thorp
> _______________________________________________
> worldkit-dev mailing list
> worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
> http://lists.brainoff.com/listinfo.cgi/worldkit-dev-brainoff.com
> _______________________________________________
> worldkit-dev mailing list
> worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
> http://lists.brainoff.com/listinfo.cgi/worldkit-dev-brainoff.com

Dr Jon Blower              Tel: +44 118 378 5213 (direct line)
Technical Director  
       Tel: +44 118 378 8741 (ESSC)
Reading e-Science Centre   Fax: +44 118 378 6413
ESSC                       Email: jdb at mail.nerc-essc.ac.uk
University of Reading
3 Earley Gate
Reading RG6 6AL, UK


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 14:19:00 +0100
From: "Ian Mayo" 
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?
To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Afternoon Mikel,
> Hi
> I have two concerns. First, the penetration of FP 9 (required to run AS 3.0) is
> slightly lower (10-15%) than FP 8. I suppose this isn't such a big deal, since
> upgrading is so easy .. but I'd want the worldKit download to be packaged with
> SWFObject
 (http://osflash.org/flashobject) so that requiring FP 9 is easier/cleaner.

This makes sense (though I've very little familiarity with the Flash world).

> More of a concern is the lack of an AS 3.0 open source compiler. It's been a
> long time intention to remove any dependencies on the commercial Flash IDE,
> and provide tools to do a pure OS compile of Flash -- not out of idealism, but
> simply to make development of worldKit more accessible/free and because
> the open source tools are more developer oriented. More "developer oriented"
> also means harder to get started, and I haven't yet worked out that entire
> pathway (you can see the progress so far in trac). MTASC, the
> top OS flash compiler, will not do AS 3.

I've currently got a work item advertised on Rentacoder to produce a
more in-depth/complete tutorial. If/when it's complete I'll add it to

I share your enthusiasm to see an
 open source development environment,
and presume that the availability of Eclipse IDE will lower the
barrier for such an application/suite being created.

> On the plus side, AS3 and FP9 have significantly better performance, some
> neat new features, a stronger language and do give access to all the Flex
> developers. I honestly haven't been watching too closely the development of
> Flex, so can't say have much of a benefit to worldKit that could be -- would
> be nice to know if there's demand and what specific benefits Ian and Bill
> see from Flex. There's no dependence on anything 3rd party (zoomify
> dependency was removed).

As an old-skool developer, I look forward to
developing/extending/integrating worldKit in a more traditional
language/environment.  The Flash ide/environment is just too much of a
learning hurdle for me (I've already got 1 1/2 day-jobs...).

> We should also consider that
 there's a large number of bugs and
> features, and how should AS 3 balance against those?

If AS3/flex both makes maintenance easier and increases the pool of
development resources it would appear bug-fixing could move forward
more quickly.

> I see our options as sticking with AS 2.0, going completely to 3.0,
> or third option (maybe more painful?) to maintain two branches of
> worldKit for 2.0 and 3.0.

Hmm.  At the end of the day, worldKit doesn't have "all that much"
code, and it is safely in SVN.  If a 3.0 port was underway it wouldn't
be too difficult to forward-propagate 2.0 fixes into the 3.0 code
stream - assuming the code hierarchy/structure remained relatively
similar.  This could allow a period of parrallel running - though I
share your reluctance about the long-term maintenance of two source

> Mikel

Does anybody have a feel for how many man-days of effort porting
Flex/3.0 would require?



Message: 7
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:05:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mikel Maron 
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?
To: Discussion of worldKit use and development
Message-ID: <709200.15197.qm at web30806.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

OpenLaszlo is cool -- those guys really pioneered the idea that Adove picked up on and made into Flex.

worldKit could be packaged as a compiled component for use in OpenLaszlo. Don't think it that would have any affect of AS2 vs AS3 though.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jon Blower 
To: Discussion of worldKit use and development 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 11:05:41 AM
Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?

Just a
 comment, but have you considered OpenLaszlo
(http://www.openlaszlo.org/)?  I'm not an expert but I've played with
it a little and it seems pretty good.  It's similar to Flex but open
source.  The same source code can be compiled to multiple runtimes
including Flash7,8,9 and DHTML.

Cheers, Jon

On 8/17/07, Mikel Maron  wrote:
> Hi
> I have two concerns. First, the penetration of FP 9 (required to run AS 3.0) is slightly lower (10-15%) than FP 8. I suppose this isn't such a big deal, since upgrading is so easy .. but I'd want the worldKit download to be packaged with SWFObject (http://osflash.org/flashobject) so that requiring FP 9 is easier/cleaner.
> More of a concern is the lack of an AS 3.0 open source compiler. It's been a long time intention to remove any dependencies on the commercial Flash IDE, and provide tools to do a pure OS compile of Flash -- not out of idealism, but simply to make
 development of worldKit more accessible/free and because the open source tools are more developer oriented. More "developer oriented" also means harder to get started, and I haven't yet worked out that entire pathway (you can see the progress so far in trac). MTASC, the top OS flash compiler, will not do AS 3.
> On the plus side, AS3 and FP9 have significantly better performance, some neat new features, a stronger language and do give access to all the Flex developers. I honestly haven't been watching too closely the development of Flex, so can't say have much of a benefit to worldKit that could be -- would be nice to know if there's demand and what specific benefits Ian and Bill see from Flex. There's no dependence on anything 3rd party (zoomify dependency was removed).
> We should also consider that there's a large number of bugs and features, and how should AS 3 balance against those?
> I see our options as sticking with AS 2.0,
 going completely to 3.0, or third option (maybe more painful?) to maintain two branches of worldKit for 2.0 and 3.0.
> Mikel
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Ian Mayo 
> To: worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 9:49:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [worldKit-dev] AS3 / Flex Version?
> Hi all
> a few weeks ago Bill Thorp polled for interest in porting worldKit to
> Flex/ActionScript 3.0 (copied below).  "Updating" the software in this
> way matches my aspirations for furture use of worldKit.
> Bill: did you have any positive feedback off-list?
> All (esp Mikel):  I'm interested in any opinions regarding the pros
> and cons of this upgrade.
> - Do members of the community look forward to adoption of Flex?
> - Are there any features/3rd party libs that couldn't be ported?  (zoomify?)
> -
 Would in ease/complicate worldKit maintenance/adoption?
> cheers,
> Ian.
> > Hello!
> > I was curious if anyone has tried to or successfully ported WorldKit to Flex
> > or ActionScript 3.  If not, I was interested if anyone would like to help port it
> > to Flash 9 / AS3 with me.
> > - Bill Thorp
> _______________________________________________
> worldkit-dev mailing list
> worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
> http://lists.brainoff.com/listinfo.cgi/worldkit-dev-brainoff.com
> _______________________________________________
> worldkit-dev mailing list
> worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com
> http://lists.brainoff.com/listinfo.cgi/worldkit-dev-brainoff.com

Dr Jon Blower              Tel: +44 118 378 5213 (direct line)
Technical Director  
       Tel: +44 118 378 8741 (ESSC)
Reading e-Science Centre   Fax: +44 118 378 6413
ESSC                       Email: jdb at mail.nerc-essc.ac.uk
University of Reading
3 Earley Gate
Reading RG6 6AL, UK
worldkit-dev mailing list
worldkit-dev at lists.brainoff.com

=== message truncated

Guilherme Pedrosa
(21) 8103-4966 | 24274319
guilherme.pedrosa at superig.com.br 

      Flickr agora em português. Você clica, todo mundo vê. Saiba mais.

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