[worldKit-dev] (no subject)

Mikel Maron mikel_maron at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 10:32:56 PST 2006

Hi Markus

> I'm trying to use worldkit-geowiki to build a map-wiki, a wiki-like
> editable map-system. Do you think worldkit is useful for this, or would
> you recommend sth. else? Have you tried similar things? How does
> worldkit scale?

I'm very interested in combinations of maps and wikis, and have seen many approaches. GeoWiki is one such package. I've also integrated worldKit and GeoRSS into MediaWiki. 

I'd be very interested to see the results with pmwiki; and maybe this will all start to build steam into something!

> And more detailed:
> Is it possible to switch to input-mode without pressing 'i' (e.g. by
> clicking a javascript-link)? And is it possible to leave the annotations
> visible while in input-mode? It would be nice to add lines and polygons
> while the rest is still visible, without pressing 'i' for each point
> (like in PloneWorldkit).

There's the config option "inputonly" [ http://brainoff.com/worldkit/doc/annotation.php ], which will leave worldKit in annotation mode all the time.

Switching input mode would also make a good command for the Javascript "API". Adding a new command is pretty straightforward in the new refactored code, I can give pointers if anyone is interested in tackling that.

> Until now I've only combined worldkit with an existing wiki (pmwiki), so
> people can add annotations which link to the respective wiki-pages
> (http://ctrlw.net/geo/geowiki).
> While doing this I had problems with the tags. Tags of a new element
> would overwrite the former tags. This only happened on my webserver, not
> locally. After a small change it works fine now:
> I changed annotate.rs.php.buildtags($newtags) from 
>        $lines = file("./tags.count","r");
>       foreach ($lines as $line) {
>                $line = rtrim($line);
>                $tmp = split("\t", $line);
>                $tags[ $tmp[0] ] = $tmp[1];
>        }
> to
>        $lines = fopen("./tags.count","r");
>        while (!feof($lines)) {
>                $line = fgets($lines);
>                $line = rtrim($line);
>                $tmp = split("\t", $line);
>                $tags[ $tmp[0] ] = $tmp[1];
>        }
>        fclose($lines);

Odd, I haven't had a problem with this. To my naive eyes, I don't see how these two code snippets could function differently.
I'm happy to include this update, and appreciate it, but just want to understand what's going on first. 

Perhaps GeoWiki, if it's useful, should be formally positioned as an Open Source Project.

> Also I wondered about the tags file. Entries open with <a> and close
> with </font>. But I didn't find how it's used, and don't get any
> problems with that.

That's a bug -- I just updated the distrib to close with </a>. Thanks!

Cheers, Mikel

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